Mentoring the Future

Women+ in Climate Tech is an ever-growing network of risk takers, policy changers, and industry disrupters. In just one year, our community has rallied the expertise, creativity, and resources of 1,000+ women around the globe. Together, we are making big waves in climate technology. 

But let’s not forget—we didn’t blindly stumble onto our paths. Teachers, partners, peers and loved ones have helped pave our way. As we follow in these mentors’ footsteps, we can find inspiration in the big shoes we have to fill. 

Mentoring the Future was created to spark the interest and confidence in women pursuing careers in climate technology. In this program, mentees can expect to gain clarity on their career goals, develop their network, and receive valuable feedback from professionals in their fields or areas of interest. Participating mentors can look forward to sharpening skills, igniting passions, and passing the torch to the next generation of scientists, entrepreneurs, and environmental stewards. 

The deadline to apply has now passed. Applications will re-open in February of 2023.